The Ecosystem of Wicked Problems – ECOSYSTEMATIC

A wicked problem is one where there are a plethora of ways to work towards the vision with multiple parties, people, systems, processes, and interactions that may impact or be impacted by the solution.
Exploring the problem space: a guide to building the right solution
clients and decision makers with conflicting values, and where the ramifications in the whole system are thoroughly confusing."8 In other words, wicked problems are ill-defined and unique in their causes, character, and solution.
Roger L. Martin • The Design of Business
Because of the nature of the ‘wicked’ challenges now faced by societies worldwide—and almost all urban challenges are wicked—there is no state of perfect understanding.
Patrick Tanguay • Conscientious Urban Technology
in mapping the historical evolution of a wicked problem, we must identify the events, beliefs, attitudes, innovations and norms within the landscape, regime and niche levels, but we must also learn to understand the complex systems dynamics at work within the whole.