The E Corp

One of my big surprises of Silicon Valley was finding out how nice & well intentioned many of the execs of “evil big tech” were. Shocking because I expected them to be evil. Heartbreaking because they weren’t.It meant big tech do bad not cuz of who runs them, but because of the systematic forces they’re beholden to, ie business model & shareholder ... See more
Daylight | A More Caring Computer

Deep Roots, Hard Looks, and Change — Permanent Equity: Investing in Companies that Care What Happens Next
Emily Holdmanpermanentequity.com
If the purpose of each corporation is not primarily the health and well being of the earth and all life thereon, if its principles are not based on equitable distribution of power and wealth, if it avoids responsibility for the sustenance of family, community and place, if it has no belief system, or one devoid of ethical and moral content, it is d... See more
In this view, business exists to serve human needs. Corporations
Tim O'Reilly • Wtf?
In my experience most of the companies are run by highly creative, idealistic people. Many of them started off with products that were optimized for the needs of the users and community and almost all of them ended up optimized for the needs of the company.
Chris Dixon • "Let's Run The Experiment": A conversation with Chris Dixon about DAOs and the future of organizations online
The paradigm we casually call business is just one approach to human exchange. It was built in an industrial era, and for it. Its fundamental assumptions—shareholder value creation, mass production, hierarchical management, disposable goods made for consumers—are today less profitable, useful, worthy, and beneficial than ever. Betterness, in contra
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