added by sari · updated 2y ago
The day context came back to Twitter
- Other platforms like Facebook Groups, Twitter, or Discord, might feel faster, more lively, more engaging, and may work really well for small- to mid-sized communities. But they often break down once the community gets too big and the pace of conversation gets too fast, or when too many different communities spring up all around the same topic. The ... See more
from Storming Reddit's Moat by Mayank Jain
sari added
- My purpose here is to point out a logical third option, one that can and should be tested out on a platform such as Twitter. In this approach, a platform would require users to form groups through free association, and then to post only through those groups, with the group’s imprimatur. Why this simple, powerful notion could help us escape the dile... See more
from How to Fix Twitter—And All of Social Media by Jaron Lanier
Adithya Narayanan added
- I sometimes think about communities as human search engines. Groups with trusted relationships and a healthy sense of belonging are a great way for people to answer questions in their lives. And in fact, that’s what many people use communities for. We regularly work with communities of change-makers and most activities in the online forums are sear... See more
from Communities = human search engines? by Fabian Pfortmüller
sari added