Saved by Prashanth Narayan and
"The Danger of a Single Story"
Have we systematically institutionalized the danger Adichie spoke about: the danger of a single story? We, too often, live within a monocultural narrative that has shrunk our radius of exposure, limiting our capacity to identify, embrace, and translate diverse knowledge.
Seth Goldenberg • Radical Curiosity: Questioning Commonly Held Beliefs to Imagine Flourishing Futures
The true danger of stories is that they tend to bypass reason. They can bypass intelligence and go straight to the subconscious. Why else have very intelligent people in the past believed such absurd things about other races?
Ben Okri • The Mystery Feast: Thoughts on Storytelling
Designing Systems Interventions – Transition Design Seminar CMU
Emerge • Belonging and Butterflies in Times of Breakdown
Stories have also been used for evil. They have been used for the denigration, the demonisation, and the extermination of peoples.
Ben Okri • The Mystery Feast: Thoughts on Storytelling
Stories are not innocent. We should be careful about the stories we listen to. We should be sceptical and critical. We should always ask questions about them and seek to make a distinction in our minds between good and false stories.