The Cycles of Modern Life: Urgency, Control, and the Illusion of Comfort

“Now... is the time to ‘retreat’ into the real work of reclamation, to re-member again our humanity through the intimacy of our relationships. The time is very urgent – we must slow down.” - Bayo Akomolafe
Shawn Westcott • The Cycles of Modern Life: Urgency, Control, and the Illusion of Comfort
The Tyranny of Urgency
Our bodies were never designed for the constant state of emergency we now call daily life. With each notification ping, each rushed commute, each "urgent" email, our nervous systems surge with cortisol and adrenaline—hormones meant for true fight-or-flight situations, not the endless cascade of artificial crises we've created.... See more
Our bodies were never designed for the constant state of emergency we now call daily life. With each notification ping, each rushed commute, each "urgent" email, our nervous systems surge with cortisol and adrenaline—hormones meant for true fight-or-flight situations, not the endless cascade of artificial crises we've created.... See more
Shawn Westcott • The Cycles of Modern Life: Urgency, Control, and the Illusion of Comfort
“Run, run always faster, not to reach an objective, but to maintain the status quo, to simply remain in the same place.” - Hartmut Rosa