The Charisma-vs.-Charm Election
charisma required distance from the audience.
Conor Friedersdorf • The Charisma-vs.-Charm Election
I think we are trained, particularly on the left, to be critical of performance. And I feel we should be more honest in acknowledging that performance is crucial to politics. It doesn't mean it's the only factor––that policy or other factors don't matter. But it is a defining feature.
Conor Friedersdorf • The Charisma-vs.-Charm Election
There is a sort of magic that we are losing. If you introduce viewers to your private life, you lose the magic of distance that is core to charisma, this stardust you can never touch. There is a difference between being a godlike character and the illusion of a guy you can have a beer with. The sheer amount of access makes it less exciting.
Conor Friedersdorf • The Charisma-vs.-Charm Election
To succeed in today's media environment, “political leaders must appear as accessible, authentic, and relatable,” she argues,
Conor Friedersdorf • The Charisma-vs.-Charm Election
Charm requires proximity.