The Body Keeps The Score
besselvanderkolk.comSaved by lindo and
The Body Keeps The Score
Saved by lindo and
Lael Johnson and added
This means helping them to respond appropriately to danger but, even more, to recover the capacity to experience safety, relaxation, and true reciprocity.
Lael Johnson and added
Trauma results in a fundamental reorganization of the way mind and brain manage perceptions. It changes not only how we think and what we think about, but also our very capacity to think.
Lael Johnson and added
Trauma results in a fundamental reorganization of the way mind and brain manage perceptions. It changes not only how we think and what we think about, but also our very capacity to think.
Lael Johnson and added
Traumatized human beings recover in the context of relationships: with families, loved ones, AA meetings, veterans’ organizations, religious communities, or professional therapists.
Lael Johnson and added