The artist and the inner retreat
Being a creator today is lonely and isolating. It feels like we are forced to participate in a platform economy that places creators in competition against each other for followers and attention.
Severin Matusek • After the Creator Economy
After the Creator Economy
collect.metalabel.xyzthe way of the artist-entrepreneur — kening zhu
keningzhu.comThat labor amounts to constant self-promotion in the form of cheap trend-following, ever-changing posting strategies, and the nagging feeling that what you are really doing with your time is marketing, not art. Under the tyranny of algorithmic media distribution, artists, authors — anyone whose work concerns itself with what it means to be human — ... See more
Rebecca Jennings • Everybody Has to Self-Promote Now. Nobody Wants To.
Being an artist within an economic system that favors private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, a price system, and competitive markets belittles my practice into a hobby. I am an amateur with no artist statement, thesis show, or MFA. The money I invest in creating art is a temporary loan to myself that I feel pressured to repay quickly b... See more
Cortney Cassidy • A soft manifesto
Work wants an audience. Sharing your creations is a powerful part of the creative process.
Chase Jarvis • Creative Calling: Establish a Daily Practice, Infuse Your World with Meaning, and Succeed in Work + Life
Under the tyranny of algorithmic media distribution, artists, authors — anyone whose work concerns itself with what it means to be human — now have to be entrepreneurs, too.