Webdesign as architecture
www--arc.comA Convening for Virgil Abloh: Architecture and Placemaking“If design is merely an inducement to consume, then we must reject design; if architecture is merely the codifying of the bourgeois models of ownership and society, then we must reject architecture; if architecture and town planning [are] merely the formalization of present unjust social divisions, then we must reject town planning and its cities …... See more
INTERVIEW: Niklas Bildstein Zaar and Andrea Faraguna on the Substance of their Architecture Studio sub
Jordan“Taking a fresh look at the simplest forms leads to considering fundamental concepts; and reassessing basic concepts of forms opens up the road to reconsider other views.”
–Éva Forgács’ “The Bauhaus Paradox: Creativity, Freedom and the Long-Lasting Legacy of Bauhaus in Hungary” (2020)
–Éva Forgács’ “The Bauhaus Paradox: Creativity, Freedom and the Long-Lasting Legacy of Bauhaus in Hungary” (2020)
Syllabus • How to Fall Down a Rabbit Hole
Can the presence of a high-rise structure truly create such a threatening atmosphere and social tension, culminating in murder, decay, destruction and even anarchy? The series, “A Future City From The Past” is based on this mystifying vision of a radically aggressive urban dystopia — an uncompromising design in the brutalist dogma. All buildings an
... See • Clemens Gritl
The dynamic echoes social and cultural geographer Tim Edensor’s idea of ruins as fluid spaces, where limits on material curiosity and imagination are let go, and exploration of alternative futures can thrive.