• from The Case for Silence by Luke Burgis

    sari added

  • from The Analog City and the Digital City — The New Atlantis by L. M. Sacasas

    JC added

  • All That Is Solid Melts Into Information

    by Noema

    36 highlights

    Thumbnail of All That Is Solid Melts Into Information

    SpaceXponential and added

  • from The Second Brain Manifesto - Forte Labs by Tiago Forte

    sari added

  • from Digital Graveyards by charlie squire

    Alex Dobrenko added

  • from The War on Sensemaking by Rebel Wisdom

    Stuart Evans added

  • My secret, cynical theory is that we are so completely numbed and overwhelmed by information these days that we simply don’t think in these more abstract terms anymore (and I think it’s that numbness that I want to capture in this piece somehow). Or maybe we still do, but it all gets lost in idle musings on Twitter or in group chats or messages to
  • ... See more

from Working notes for Summer of Protocols

Severin Matusek added

  • from Curation as a Cure by Tom White

    Tom White and added