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Ten Ways to Breathe Meaning into Existence
When life and existence is seen as an experience, we also drop many of the scripted expectations we have of life and suddenly life becomes this constant unfolding, everything is new and everything is a journey.
Naida • Ten Ways to Breathe Meaning into Existence
Andrei Tarkovsky, in his diaries, said that human life as a whole does not have a clear purpose because then, a human would be slave to that purpose. Unlike animal or plant, whose life has a clear purpose - to reproduce, a human being can willingly "exit" the biological purpose and live another sort of purpose and life.
Naida • Ten Ways to Breathe Meaning into Existence
We live in age of cynicism and nihilism. Try to stay away from these mindsets as much as possible because very soon they become a poison for the mind. If humanity had been like this, we would have never left the caves. Always have hope and faith and when you do not, try to find it or create it, even illusionary faith is better than despair and defe... See more
Naida • Ten Ways to Breathe Meaning into Existence
However, this vastness of options for purpose that humans have often also leaves them confused and purposeless - what is to be done, what to choose among all of those options?
Naida • Ten Ways to Breathe Meaning into Existence
Understanding that nothing is permanent will have us understand that this moment will never be again - there may be similar moments, there may be more beautiful or uglier moments, but this specific moment will never be again. When we know this, being present and seeing meaning even in the most mundane of things becomes very easy because every momen... See more
Naida • Ten Ways to Breathe Meaning into Existence
If you are an individual with niche interests, hobbies or lifestyle, you may often feel isolated from other people. However, there is another pattern I had noticed - many people who are deeply individualised also hide that, and in that not giving a chance or opportunity someone who might hare their passions to reach out. Instead of seeing it as a w... See more