Team Canvas - Bring Your Team on the Same Page
MaRs Startup Tool Kit • How to design a high-value community
A startup canvas, its close cousins the business model canvas, and the lean canvas are intended to be lightweight tools to call out these risks early and encourage the team to tackle them up front. I much prefer the startup canvas to old‐style business plans, but I have also observed that many startup teams still spend too much time on the canvas a
... See moreMarty Cagan • INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love (Silicon Valley Product Group)
The Community Canvas
community-canvas.orgThe Problem-Solution Canvas is a two-page document. Like a Lean Canvas it’s divided into a few boxes. On a weekly basis we’d ask founders to prepare a Problem-Solution Canvas and present it. The canvas became the focal point for our status meetings, and it was extremely helpful for keeping those meetings productive.
Alistair Croll • Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster (Lean (O'Reilly))
There are a number of canvas created by others that focus on product development, as shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1. Visual ideation canvases Name Purpose The Lean Canvasa Makes the assumption that product/market fit is the riskiest hypothesis that must be tested. The Opportunity Canvasb Focuses discussions about what we’re building and why, then he
... See moreJoanne Molesky • Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale
That said, you can use the startup canvas for simpler work, especially if you have a new product manager. The startup canvas can help that new product manager get a good holistic understanding of her product and understand the key areas of the affected business.