Saved by Ajinkya Wadhwa and
Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think (Taming the Mammoth)
Back then, being part of a tribe was critical to survival. A tribe meant food and protection in a time when neither was easy to come by. So for your Great2,000 Grandfather, almost nothing in the world was more important than being accepted by his fellow tribe members, especially those in positions of authority. Fitting in with those around him and ... See more
end meta • Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think (Taming the Mammoth)
This doesn’t sound that hard, but it is. It takes some serious reflection to sift through the webs of other people’s thoughts and opinions and figure out who the real you actually is.
end meta • Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think (Taming the Mammoth)
With so much thought and energy dedicated to the mammoth’s needs, you often end up neglecting someone else in your brain, someone all the way at the center—your Authentic Voice.
end meta • Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think (Taming the Mammoth)
1) Get to know your Authentic Voice
end meta • Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think (Taming the Mammoth)
A third area the mammoth is present is anywhere you don’t feel comfortable making a decision without “permission” or approval from others.
end meta • Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think (Taming the Mammoth)
Step 1: Examine Yourself