Superhuman | Inbox Zero Spotlight
SaneBox | Clean up your inbox in minutes & keep it that way forever
sanebox.comJereme added
Email Optimization (powered by AI?)
Superhuman, a cult-favorite and modern alternative to Gmail, has an entire command line of its own, activated by pressing Command + K. The app navigation is designed such that your movements are naturally fast. You’re forced by design to use the keyboard, as opposed to a mouse or trackpad.
Gaby Goldberg • The Command Line Comeback
sari added
At Superhuman, we set a very concrete goal: get to Inbox Zero. But the goal must also be achievable, which is why we onboard our users.
Rahul Vohra • How to build great products with game design, not gamification
Sunshine - Email marketing that's just write. ✍️
sunshine.emailSeth Werkheiser added
the grey and green added
When you put it all together — power over who gets through to you, purpose-built boxes for the different flavors of emails, dedicated workflows, strong privacy protections, and an innovative, integrated calendar — it’s like magic .
A delightfully fresh take on email + calendar, from 37signals
phoebe and added
Email and productivity would still remain separate workflows, but Superhuman would become the center of gravity from which all other tools are being managed.
Julian Lehr • Superhuman & the Productivity Meta-Layer
sari added