Superhuman | The most productive email app ever made
superhuman.comHarold T. Harper added
sari and added
You can be the best product for small market, build a real company, and then from a position of strength, either stay there or attempt to expand to adjacent markets.
Or be undistictive in a huge market, out-advertised and invisible, never getting off the ground.
andrea and added
Email and productivity would still remain separate workflows, but Superhuman would become the center of gravity from which all other tools are being managed.
Julian Lehr • Superhuman & the Productivity Meta-Layer
sari added
Sometimes we advise founders of B2B startups to take over-engagement to an extreme, and to pick a single user and act as if they were consultants building something just for that one user. The initial user serves as the form for your mold; keep tweaking till you fit their needs perfectly, and you'll usually find you've made something other users wa... See more
Paul Graham • Do Things that Don't Scale
Ajinkya Wadhwa added
Entrepreneurial Strategy There are four things an entrepreneur needs: a good idea, a good team, a good product, and a good business model. Interviewing customers, assessing the market, building a MVP, and iterating are all tactics. In the long run, how do we dominate a significant market? In the short term, entrepreneurs tend to focus on a large ma... See more
Jerry Neumann • Disruption Is Not a Strategy
Two thoughts: The best startups are masters of asymmetric warfare -- they don't fight on the battlefield the incumbent selects. And, users often understand their problems well but are horrible at suggesting features to solve these problems.
sari added