Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
We craved new contexts, initiating routines that might eventually feel second nature.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
I felt this aching nostalgia for things that happened just hours earlier and wrote them down as a historian might describe a centuries-past crossroads.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
But I was stridently noncommittal to them. I always left myself an out, an escape hatch in case someone offered me a new adventure, the adventure I thought I deserved. I looked forward to a time when I would be the finished article, my sense of the world innate and effortless, with no evidence that there had been any rough drafts.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
had never heard Mojave 3, but their songs were perfect, like witnessing something beautiful happening in slow motion. I aspired to move through the world this deliberately.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
I finally felt in my body how music worked. A chorus of nonbelievers, channeling God. A harmonic coming together capable of overtaking lyrics about drift and catastrophe, a song as proof that people can work together.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
wanted to impose structure on all that had come before that July night, turning the past into something architectural, a palace of memories to wander at my own leisure.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
was responsible for my friends’ safety, and for their enrichment, too.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
It was hard to unlearn the usefulness of dichotomies. They made the world so much cleaner. I had defined myself by what I rejected, and these choices often hardened into something that felt political. It was about your sense of the world and what you expected from it.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
We could seek nuance and refine our political positions forever. How would we dream together if we couldn’t agree on any common values?
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
I’d heard these songs hundreds of times before. But to listen to them with other people: it was what I’d been waiting for.