Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
Like many immigrants who prized education, my parents retained faith in the mastery of technical fields, like the sciences, where answers weren’t left to interpretation. You couldn’t discriminate against the right answer. But I preferred to spend my time interpreting things.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
The allure all these years had been the possibility of the asymptote’s line one day meeting the curve. At first this realization that I could never force a connection seemed tragic; then it became comforting to imagine that the line and the curve could go on forever. They move in the same direction, even if they never touch.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
Taylor called this authenticity, and it became the unreachable horizon of modern life. It’s a concept that makes sense only in its absence; we recognize inauthenticity, phoniness, when someone’s clearly being a poseur. Yet the struggle to feel authentic—this is very real, even if we know better. In Taylor’s telling, everyone becomes a kind of artis
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There’s a telos of self-improvement baked into the immigrant experience.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
You give expecting to receive. Yet we often give and receive according to intermittent, sometimes random intervals. That time lag is where a relationship emerges.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
Knowledge might not set you free or light your path. It could become a kind of cage.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
I felt this aching nostalgia for things that happened just hours earlier and wrote them down as a historian might describe a centuries-past crossroads.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
“Only the future can provide the key to the interpretation of the past; and it is only in this sense that we can speak of an ultimate objectivity in history. It is at once the justification and the explanation of history that the past throws light on the future, and the future throws light on the past.”
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
We seemed to spend hours apart, occasionally intersecting in some unlikely aisle. Everything seemed a possibility, a clue, an invitation to experience new, unprecedented emotional realities. We were enthralled by the same music, but it showed us different things.
Hua Hsu • Stay True: A Memoir (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
It was hard to unlearn the usefulness of dichotomies. They made the world so much cleaner. I had defined myself by what I rejected, and these choices often hardened into something that felt political. It was about your sense of the world and what you expected from it.