Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
From business to politics, manipulations run rampant in all forms of sales and marketing. Typical manipulations include: dropping the price; running a promotion; using fear, peer pressure or aspirational messages; and promising innovation to influence behavior—be
Sinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
But when a company clearly communicates their WHY, what they believe, and we believe what they believe, then we will sometimes go to extraordinary lengths to include those products or brands in our lives.
Sinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
If you have the discipline to focus on the early adopters, the majority will come along eventually. But it must start with WHY.
Sinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
Money is a perfectly legitimate measurement of goods sold or services rendered. But it is no calculation of value.
Sinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
WHY: Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. When I say WHY, I don’t mean to make money—that’s a result. By WHY I mean what is your purpose, cause or belief? WHY does your company exist? WHY do you get out of bed every morning? And WHY should anyone care?
Sinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
that speech was about what he believed, not how they were going to do it. He gave the “I Have a Dream” speech, not the “I Have a Plan” speech. It was a statement of purpose and not a comprehensive twelve-point plan to achieving civil rights in America. Dr. King offered America a place to go, not a plan to follow.
Sinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
What if the next time when someone asks, “Who’s your competition?” we replied, “No idea.” What if the next time someone pushes,
Sinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it, and Apple says and does only the things they believe. If WHAT you do doesn’t prove what you believe, then no one will know what your WHY is and you’ll be forced to compete on price, service, quality, features and benefits; the stuff of commodities.
Sinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
Energy motivates but charisma inspires. Energy is easy to see, easy to measure and easy to copy. Charisma is hard to define, near impossible to measure and too elusive to copy. All great leaders have charisma because all great leaders have clarity of WHY; an undying belief in a purpose or cause bigger than themselves.
Sinek, Simon • Start With Why: The Inspiring Million-Copy Bestseller That Will Help You Find Your Purpose
Developing software was merely one of the things Bill Gates did to bring his cause to life. An airline gave Herb Kelleher the perfect outlet to spread his belief in freedom. Putting a man on the moon was one goal John F. Kennedy used to rally people to bring to life his belief that service to the nation—and not being serviced by the nation—would le
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