So Good They Can't Ignore You

Relatedness: the feeling of connection to other people
Cal Newport • So Good They Can't Ignore You
“I feel like your problem is that you’re trying to judge all things in the abstract before you do them. That’s your tragic mistake.”
Cal Newport • So Good They Can't Ignore You
The more we focused on loving what we do, the less we ended up loving it.
Cal Newport • So Good They Can't Ignore You
it takes time to get good at anything, recounting the many years it took him to master radio to the point where he had interesting options. “The key thing is to force yourself through the work, force the skills to come; that’s the hardest phase,”
Cal Newport • So Good They Can't Ignore You
Compelling careers often have complex origins that reject the simple idea that all you have to do is follow your passion.
Cal Newport • So Good They Can't Ignore You
The more I studied the issue, the more I noticed that the passion hypothesis convinces people that somewhere there’s a magic “right” job waiting for them,
Cal Newport • So Good They Can't Ignore You
The craftsman mindset offers clarity, while the passion mindset offers a swamp of ambiguous and unanswerable questions.
Cal Newport • So Good They Can't Ignore You
move his focus away from finding the right work and toward working right, and eventually build, for the first time in his life, a love for what he does. This is the happiness that you, too, should demand.
Cal Newport • So Good They Can't Ignore You
many fans of lifestyle design, who left their traditional jobs to try to make a living on passive income-generating websites. Many of these contrarians quickly discovered that the income-generating piece of that plan doesn’t work well if you don’t have something valuable to offer in exchange for people’s money.