Managing the risks of inevitably biased visual artificial intelligence systems
brookings.eduAs noted above, not only the model but also the manner in which it is deployed and in which potential harms are measured and mitigated have the potential to create harmful bias, and a particularly concerning example of this arises in DALL·E 2 Preview in the context of pre-training data filtering and post-training content filter use, which can resul... See more
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Inescapable AI — TechTonic Justice
techtonicjustice.orgWhile we often think of terms such as “big data” and “algorithms” as being benign, neutral, or objective, they are anything but. The people who make these decisions hold all types of values, many of which openly promote racism, sexism, and false notions of meritocracy, which is well documented in studies of Silicon Valley and other tech corridors.
Safiya Umoja Noble • Algorithms of Oppression
**Note:** These concerns are the same as in all applications of AI: bias, privacy, interpretability
Ingrid K. Williams • Can A.I.-Driven Voice Analysis Help Identify Mental Disorders? (Published 2022)
Hiring algorithms are but one example of a larger set of technologies which promise to disclose some deeper truth about the self or the world that would be otherwise unnoticed. Similar tools are deployed in the realms of finance, criminal justice, and health care among others. The underlying assumption, occasionally warranted, is that analyzing cop... See more
L. M. Sacasas • The Uncanny Gaze of the Machine
The accessibility and scale of AI tools mean they could have an outsized impact on how almost any community is represented. According to Valeria Piaggio, global head of diversity, equity, and inclusion at marketing consultancy Kantar, the marketing and advertising industries have in recent years made strides in how they represent different groups, ... See more