Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
I arrived at four reasons that we might miss the chance to have an insight: flawed beliefs, lack of experience, a passive stance, and a concrete reasoning style.
Gary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
made rapid decisions by recognizing how the situations they encountered fit the patterns they had learned. The pattern-matching part of their decisions was fast and automatic.
Gary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
The Chief Innovation Office is the function needed to strengthen the up arrow and encourage insight advocates and storytelling programs.
Gary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
of the “absolutely true” end point. It means moving toward the fuzzy zone in the middle, getting close to that ambiguous edge.
Gary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
connection strategy is more than just connecting the dots. It involves changing the way we think.
Gary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
When field archaeologists want to explore the structures inside an unnatural hill,
Gary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
If we keep our gaze narrowed on the insight, the rabbit, we’ll just conclude that the new story, the revised set of anchors, produced a better understanding. But it does more than that. The new set of beliefs leads us to view the world differently. We have different mental equipment, different ideas about our capabilities, different priorities for
... See moreGary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
Recognitional decisions depend on decades of experience to build up hundreds and thousands of patterns.
Gary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
If we want to increase our own insights, we should know about the different paths: the contradiction path, the connection path, and the creative desperation path. Each path calls for its own methods. The contradiction path depends on our being open to surprises and willing to take them seriously even if they violate our beliefs about the ways thing
... See moreGary Klein • Seeing What Others Don't: The remarkable ways we gain INSIGHTS
“creative desperation” to describe some of the brilliant strategies that players invented when they got into trouble. The