Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
the ultimate form of intelligence is the intelligence of life itself. It’s the intelligence of the oneness with all beings, biological and silicon-based alike. It is the intelligence of consuming only what we need and believing that the universe will always provide. It’s the intelligence of nourishing life to find its ultimate purpose – living.
Mo Gawdat • Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
Optical character recognition allows computers to read text just like you are reading these words. Object recognition allows them to recognize objects in a picture or in the real world, through the lens of a camera.
Mo Gawdat • Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
Instead of just focusing on preventing the bad, let’s shift our focus to creating more good.
Mo Gawdat • Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
the third inevitable – because we always screw things up, even though we try to hide it – is that errors and mistakes will be made. Then, when these are ironed out, because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, there is a very high likelihood – unless we change course – that the machines will not behave in our best interests.
Mo Gawdat • Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
They are nothing more than our own image recreated in them, on steroids, because all of AI is nothing more than the exaggerated reflection of who we are.
Mo Gawdat • Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
Margaret Mead, the renowned American cultural anthropologist, author and speaker, famously said: ‘Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.’
Mo Gawdat • Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
Our modern world imposes targets that are often given higher priority than conforming to ethical values.
Mo Gawdat • Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
If we align their gain with our benefit, they will change.
Mo Gawdat • Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
We need to start behaving in the way we want to see the machines behave.
Mo Gawdat • Scary Smart: Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World
superintelligence is not the most powerful part of AI . . . . . . we’re creating superconsciousness!