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Joel Osteen, the American pastor, is believed to be worth $60MM. That accumulation of wealth would not have been possible without television. But as millennials increasingly consume content on their phones and computers, old terrestrial networks may not offer the same scale of opportunity. We can expect video-streaming to mint the next generation o... See more
Aashay Sanghvi • Not Found
Current bill payment APIs from companies like Fiserv leave a lot to be desired. Add that to the fact that existing banking apps (from the big players, at least) are badly designed and unpleasant to use. It doesn't have to be that way. In fact, with the right design, bill payment could be delightful. You could gamify the process, building a rewards ... See more
Aashay Sanghvi • Not Found
As more and more people spend time in the kitchen due to COVID, there should be a better way to share the experience of cooking with your friends and family. One way to do that might be over livestream. A food-specific streaming platform could boast a nice interface for recipes, opening them up to collaboration. You could also set a "dinner time" s... See more
Aashay Sanghvi • Not Found
Pocket was supposed to become the aggregation layer for reading, showing what each of us consumed, pulling it together in a beautiful interface, and facilitating sharing. It hasn't happened. The product is unchanged from five years ago, and nothing has stepped in to fill the gap. There's an opportunity for a company to take the best of Twitter (and... See more