Return on Energy
ROI is also used to mean return on assets, an organization’s income for a period divided by the value of assets used to produce that income. The simplest and most generally used definition, however, is incremental gain from an activity.
Helen Blake • Creating and Delivering Your Value Proposition: Managing Customer Experience for Profit
O Ltd | O K.K.
o-me.ioThe metaphor of electronic mail never fully fit how people use e-mail. But, now, perhaps it might. Email could become a home for the kinds of communications that come in the mail: letters from actual people, bills, personalized advertisements, and periodicals.
Alexis Madrigal • Email Is Still the Best Thing on the Internet
Entrepreneurs' Organization
eonetwork.org3-2-1: How to find your way in life, the power of quiet weeks, and the problem with smart people knows?, which means “the spirit of Google” and was—no surprise—chosen by employees, is an annual survey of our fifty thousand–plus Googlers. It is our most powerful single mechanism for enabling our employees to shape the company.