Rethinking management training 👔 Transcend Newsletter #30

Those offering blended or fully online training already have benefited from the drop in in-person training and the incumbents’ difficulties adapting to online - companies like Strive (cohort-based blended leadership & management training) or Cultivate (manager training based on analysis of daily communications).
Alberto Arenaza • Rethinking management training 👔 Transcend Newsletter #30
Management training is likely the biggest industry you’ve never thought about, a $24b industry that’s finally seeing some changes in the light of COVID-19.
Alberto Arenaza • Rethinking management training 👔 Transcend Newsletter #30
Business schools have traditionally outsourced the highly profitable executive education training, but some startups are now looking to disrupt the status quo through strong learning brands (Minerva Project or ALX) or more flexible offerings (Jolt or Quantic).