• from Ask The Headhunter® - Resume Blasphemy by Ask The Headhunter

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • from Ask The Headhunter® - Resume Blasphemy by Ask The Headhunter

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • A plan describing how you would do the work the employer needs done.

from Ask The Headhunter® - Resume Blasphemy by Ask The Headhunter

Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • Now, there’s a customized resume! I call it The Working Resume because it requires you to do the job, not just apply for it.  
  • from Ask The Headhunter® - Resume Blasphemy by Ask The Headhunter

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • Proof of your understanding of the problems and challenges the employer faces.

    from Ask The Headhunter® - Resume Blasphemy by Ask The Headhunter

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • An estimate of what/how much you think you could add to the bottom line.

    from Ask The Headhunter® - Resume Blasphemy by Ask The Headhunter

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • from Ask The Headhunter® - Resume Blasphemy by Ask The Headhunter

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • from Ask The Headhunter® - Resume Blasphemy by Ask The Headhunter

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago