Redbox’s privacy nightmare revealed
“You're basically cramming all of these materials to build what we would've thought of as a supercomputer 10 years ago into the frame of glasses that are about five millimeters thick. … We tend to really celebrate things that are big, right? But I actually think miniaturizing things and getting a supercomputer to fit into a pair of glasses is actua... See more
Casey Newton • 🚨 Mark in the metaverse
‘Hardware is hard’: Andrew ‘Boz’ Bosworth on VR’s iPhone moment and Facebook’s big bets“The screen experience is so reductionist,” Casimiro said. “It just flattens the world, so that a Pulitzer Prize-winning story feels the same as spam. Some things deserve better.”
John Branch • In a Digital Age, High-End Outdoors Magazines Are Thriving in Print
First, I believe VR will be a major computing platform, as or more significant than the phone and PC were. Facebook should sell about 10 million Oculus Quests this year. The headset will continue to get smaller, lighter, higher res, more powerful, and with many more and better apps. This will drive exponential growth the same way it did with PCs an... See more
Chris Dixon • Words With Web 3’s King: An Interview With Chris Dixon
All physical technology follows a similar trend: over time, its size goes from big to medium, from medium to small, and from small to invisible