Reconciling Samkhya, Vedanta and Tantra
These two categories are prakṛti, or the primordial material matrix of the physical universe, “the undifferentiated plenitude of being,”13 and puruṣa, the innumerable conscious souls or selves embedded within
Edwin F. Bryant • The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali: A New Edition, Translation, and Commentary
Yoga is the science of union with the Divine, with Truth: Tantra is the most direct methodof controlling the energy that creates the ultimate union with Truth; and Ayurveda is the science of life.
Vasant Lad • Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing: A Practical Guide
They perceived, in the close relationship between man and the universe, how cosmic energy manifests in all living and nonliving things. They also realized that the source of all existence is Cosmic Consciousness, which manifests as male and female energy - Shiva and Shakti.
Vasant Lad • Ayurveda: The Science of Self Healing: A Practical Guide
the great system of Vedic knowledge which states that all the universe is One Self and that the key to cosmic knowledge lies within our own minds and hearts.
Dr. David Frawley • Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization
The Tantrik masters evolved their teachings and techniques as an unbroken whole, a well-crafted interconnected matrix designed to free you permanently from ignorance and suffering. So when you understand the profound and exquisite vision of reality that was originally taught in connection to these yogic practices, this knowledge empowers your pract
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