Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
“Thank you, Source light, for shining upon me, around me, and through every aspect of my life. I am protected by your light. I am safe in your light. And so it is.”
Kyle Gray • Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
“Buy this space and open a retreat—you’ll become mega-rich!” The ego has a promise—and it’s always false. It never speaks in the present tense, but always about a situation in the past or something that may happen in the future. The voice of intuition/love is different. When this voice speaks, it will instantly make you feel calm, warm, and centere
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My daily practice That’s my main practice. But
Kyle Gray • Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
Exfoliating is all about clearing away any dirt or debris in the surrounding area. In this case, invite Archangel Metatron into your space with the following prayer: “Thank you, Universe, Archangel Metatron, and angels of sacred geometry, for clearing the energetic
Kyle Gray • Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
So I began to shift my energy, and instead of writing down lists of things, I made feelings my goals. Not only that, I turned my focus in my spiritual practice over to gratitude, service, and devotion. Instead of constantly asking for more, I expressed genuine gratitude for all I had.
Kyle Gray • Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
space that surrounds me. Thank you for removing any lower vibrations, blockages, stagnancies, and anything else that could be standing in the way of love. I welcome your support as you transmute and transform the energy around me. And so it is.”
Kyle Gray • Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
Next, I think about anything I need guidance on, or a particular challenge or issue I’m working through. I’ll invite angels to sit with me and will take some time to focus on my blessings and give thanks for my loved ones, security, and wellbeing. I always close my practice with spiritual protection.
Kyle Gray • Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
chant a mantra continuously for 11 minutes, and a focused meditation, where I either sit in silence (with background music) or chant some more with Kirtan Kriya (easily found online) from kundalini meditation.
Kyle Gray • Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
“I am the keeper of my mind and body. Wherever love is present, fear is a stranger. Love is here!” When I say, “Love is here,” I tap my heart three times, so I can feel physically what I know deep
Kyle Gray • Raise Your Vibration (New Edition): High-Vibe Tools to Support Your Spiritual Awakening
You can ask Archangel Michael and his angels to cut any cords of energy that are holding you back by saying a prayer: “Thank you, Universal Source, Archangel Michael, and angels of protection, for cutting the cords that bind me to people, places, energy, situations, institutions, and any other stuff I no longer need. It feels so good to know you ar
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