Radical Focus
Set only one OKR for the company, unless you have multiple business lines. It’s about focus. Give yourself three months for an OKR. How bold is it if you can do it in a week? Keep the metrics out of the Objective. The Objective is inspirational.
Christina Wodtke • Radical Focus
How to Hold a Meeting to Set OKRs for the Quarter
Christina Wodtke • Radical Focus
“Hang on. Here, in the lower right, we put health metrics. These are things we want to protect while we shoot for the
Christina Wodtke • Radical Focus
We agreed on our OKRs. These don’t move any of them forward. These are a waste of time.”
Christina Wodtke • Radical Focus
As a rule of thumb, I recommend having a usage metric, a revenue metric and a satisfaction metric for the KRs;
Christina Wodtke • Radical Focus
Once you have picked the goal you want your team to focus on, you have to reiterate it daily. But it’s not enough to talk about it, you must weave reminders into every aspect of the company life. Progress toward the goal must be marked in status meetings and weekly status emails.
Christina Wodtke • Radical Focus
two important questions before anything is built: 1. What are we trying to achieve with this feature? 2. How do we measure success or failure?
Christina Wodtke • Radical Focus
Focus on one key message. Same things with OKRs. Plus your weekly check ins go on forever if you have that many Objectives!”
Christina Wodtke • Radical Focus
To make one, start with this simple formula: We [reduce pain/improve life] in [market] by [value proposition].
Christina Wodtke • Radical Focus
This is the downfall of many an MBA. You love numbers. You love money. Doesn’t everyone? The OKR unifies multidisciplinary teams, and that means the dreamy designers, the idealist engineers and the caring customer service. The Objective needs to be inspirational, a call-to-action that gets folks to leap out of bed, ready for a new day and a new cha
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