Quiet Openings

3-2-1: How to find your way in life, the power of quiet weeks, and the problem with smart people

Thumbnail of 3-2-1: How to find your way in life, the power of quiet weeks, and the problem with smart people

Talia Goldberg The state of sound in 2020 and beyond

Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion-Dollar Company

Thumbnail of Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion-Dollar Company

Do Things that Don't Scale

Benn Stancil Why Are We Surprised That Startups Are So Freaking Hard?

Is the Secret to Life a Good Email?

Benn Stancil Why Are We Surprised That Startups Are So Freaking Hard?

The Building in Public How-To Guide

Gaby Goldberggabygoldberg.medium.com
Thumbnail of The Building in Public How-To Guide