Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
As Custodian of the Will the mind has immense power over us, controlling what we think and do. Whoever controls the will has the power to control the self.
John Kehoe • Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
Striving for perfection is counterproductive.
John Kehoe • Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
The ox represents our true selves, our awakened being. The process of awakening ourselves is often metaphorically referred to as “raising an ox.” Awakening is the epic struggle between our mind and its delusions, and our true selves. The final stage of enlightenment is called “Entering the Marketplace with Helping Hands.”15
John Kehoe • Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
The quantum warrior however, not only vibrates the web with who she is but further contributes by focusing her will and imagination in ways that her highest calling reveals. Quantum warriorship is a new discipline for today’s world. It is the vision, complete with a methodology, of becoming an integrated human being assisting humanity into cosmic c
... See moreJohn Kehoe • Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
“Just my luck,”
John Kehoe • Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
“I am neurologically wired for success.
John Kehoe • Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
“He goes his own way, making no attempt to follow the steps of earlier sages.”
John Kehoe • Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
We are designed for success. Success is an inherent part of the universe, for without the laws of energy and consciousness working together successfully, the universe would fall apart.
John Kehoe • Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
The sixteenth-century Kabbalist Judah Albotini shares light on one of their methods: “Those who meditate concentrate on an idea or on a very deep lesson. They close their eyes, and virtually nullify all their faculties in order to allow their hidden intellect to emerge from potential to action. They then absorb the lesson, permanently engraving it.
... See moreJohn Kehoe • Quantum Warrior | The Future of the Mind
The first pettiness we watch for in ourselves is self-importance or self-pity, whichever one has captured us.