Saved by Keely Adler
Public Faith
I was first attracted to open source – public code that everybody relies upon – after observing that its developers are creating trillions of dollars in economic value, while giving away their code for free.
Nadia • 22: Working in Public
I previously understood faith only as a powerfully destructive force in the world, but I never took stock of all the ways it helped galvanize others or provided insight into our interconnected struggles.
Religiously Blonde • Is Religion Violent?
I want us to grasp that religion cannot be relegated to just a private or just a public sphere, but it is an animating force all around us that we give value to.
Religiously Blonde • Do We Really Want to Give God Away?
Working In Public, despite being a superlative book-length tour of the open source movement, isn’t really about collaborative software development. It’s really about how a virtualized, digital world decoupled from the physical constraints of manufacturing and meatspace politics manages to both pay for and govern itself despite no official legal fra... See more
Antonio Garcia Martinez • The Glory of Achievement
There is the common ground of the common good, and there are the semi-private domains of our diverse religious traditions. We are responsible to society for the former, to our own community for the latter.
Jonathan Sacks • To Heal a Fractured World: The Ethics of Responsibility
“The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open
Nadia Eghbal • Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software
And all this happened with surprisingly little at stake: in the case of open source the main incentive is just individual software engineers gaining prestige and high-paying jobs. Nadia Eghbal has written extensively about the incentive problems in the open source community holding back progress.