added by Keely Adler · updated 3mo ago
Public Faith
- I was first attracted to open source – public code that everybody relies upon – after observing that its developers are creating trillions of dollars in economic value, while giving away their code for free.
from 22: Working in Public by Nadia
sari added
- There’s so much buzz and excitement about the open-source movement today, and many of these principles are hailed as revolutionary, as a sign of the times. But at their core lies something ancient. I believe creativity itself is the original open-source code.
from Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity by Maria Popova
Jenna Guarascio added
Stuart Evans and added
Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software
7 highlights
sari and added
- The widespread perception of open source is that it’s community work. Looking back at the first heyday of open source in the 90s, you picture these loosely organized, squabbling, collaborative efforts between a closely-knit group of nerds. Some special technology, notably Linux, emerged from that era as evidence that self-motivated teams of volunte... See more
from Making is Show Business now by Alex Danco
sari added
- Working in Public opens by challenging a common perception about open source today: the idea that it’s collaborative.
from Making is Show Business now by Alex Danco
sari added
I believe open-source is a fundamental human right. As technology takes up more and more of our lives, it’s just as important as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, or any other freedom. It’s important to have the freedom to see how our software works and to modify it.
from How to buy a social network, with Tumblr CEO Matt Mullenweg by Matt Mullenweg
sari added