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Prioritizing - By Lenny Rachitsky - Lenny's Newsletter
Throughout this process, it’s essential that you get your team’s input before finalizing anything. You most likely missed something along the way, and your team won’t feel bought-in if they don’t have a chance to share their perspective.
Lenny Rachitsky • Prioritizing - By Lenny Rachitsky - Lenny's Newsletter
Judging by the sea of SEO thirst-trap blog posts about prioritization, you aren’t a PM blogger (or PM SaaS tool) if you haven’t shared your perspective on prioritization. So here’s my advice: In most situations, ignore most of these frameworks and just keep it simple: 1. Make a single list of all your team’s ideas. 2. T-shirt-size (XS, ... See more
Lenny Rachitsky • Prioritizing - By Lenny Rachitsky - Lenny's Newsletter
Do not prioritize your roadmap until you have a strategy. Developing a roadmap without a strategy is like heading into battle without a plan.