Saved by Stuart Evans
Presentation to Uplift Festival, 12.14.2014
Because from the story of separation, if you are just a separate self in a vast universe of other; if your only power to change things is to exert force on a mass; then you are not very powerful.
Charles Eisenstein • Presentation to Uplift Festival, 12.14.2014
A miracle isn’t the intercession of some higher power in violation of the laws of nature. A miracle is simply something that is impossible in an old story but possible in a new one. A miracle is an invitation into a new story that says come over here – here’s a bigger reality. Miracles happen with more frequency as the old story cracks.
Charles Eisenstein • Presentation to Uplift Festival, 12.14.2014
This is not a transition we can make by ourselves, because we are not separate selves. Any human being we judge as unenlightened is a mirror of something unenlightened within ourselves and we will not be fully enlightened until each person is.
Charles Eisenstein • Presentation to Uplift Festival, 12.14.2014
But when we step into the new story of inter-being and understand we are not separate selves but that we are the mirrors, the reflections, the holographic image of everything and everyone; when we understand that anything that we do affects everything; that every act has cosmic significance; that anything that is happening to any being on this plan... See more
Charles Eisenstein • Presentation to Uplift Festival, 12.14.2014
As individuals we are in transition between two stories that each define what it means to be a human. Our civilization is going through the same crisis. A convergence of crises is birthing us into a new world.