Preparing for the Agentic Era

In 2025 we will likely see the first agents being hired by companies (we already saw the AI agent Luna being hired for a paid internship last year).
This means that if you work for a company, I anticipate there’s a real possibility you will get a new AI colleague this year. This might require some mental adjusting.
This means that if you work for a company, I anticipate there’s a real possibility you will get a new AI colleague this year. This might require some mental adjusting.
Nils Paar • Preparing for the Agentic Era
my basic assumption is that most people do not want an AI physician or doctor (personally, I do not fall into this category).
It seems to me that most people prefer the human-to-human relationship when it comes to discussing sensitive health data, or similar scenarios.
Think about psychologists, caretakers, coaches, personal trainers, or government o... See more
It seems to me that most people prefer the human-to-human relationship when it comes to discussing sensitive health data, or similar scenarios.
Think about psychologists, caretakers, coaches, personal trainers, or government o... See more
Nils Paar • Preparing for the Agentic Era
A recent study confirmed the potential of using AI in education. A randomized controlled trial in Nigeria showed that over a six-week after-school program between June and July 2024, students who engaged with GPT-4 as a virtual tutor achieved learning gains equivalent to nearly two years of traditional schooling.
Nils Paar • Preparing for the Agentic Era
While tools like ChatGPT and Claude need to respond to prompts (for now), agents go one step further by acting independently to accomplish specific goals. They transform AI from a passive tool into a proactive collaborator.
Preparing for the Agentic Era
There are many theories on how in the long run AI will allow us to build some utopian neo-communist society where everything is basically free because labor and production are close to zero (see Fully Automated Luxury Communism for example), but in the short term this is all just useless speculation.
Even if this utopian dream will manifest (and I a... See more
Even if this utopian dream will manifest (and I a... See more