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Post-Authentic Sincerity a Premium Generic Essay
One thing is certain: the authenticity aesthetic served as a cohesive for all of these developments. It tied the spectrum of consumable items, spaces, and identities into a single unified visual experience.
This is a good time to discuss the demand for authenticity and where it comes from. As I hinted at previously, there’s a personal dimension to a... See more
This is a good time to discuss the demand for authenticity and where it comes from. As I hinted at previously, there’s a personal dimension to a... See more
subpixel space • After Authenticity
Brands and commodities therefore need to be considered and critiqued on the basis of the specific cultural and economic contributions they make to society. People co-create their identities with brands just as they do with religions, communities, and other other systems of meaning. This constructivist view is incompatible with popular forms of post... See more
subpixel space • After Authenticity
We live in a time where brands are expected to not just reflect our values but act on them. Trust in business can no longer be based on visual signals of authenticity, only on proof of work.
subpixel space • After Authenticity
Clearly the cultural pressure to achieve a unique self is old, strong, and not unique to hipsters, so why did the authenticity drive spin out of control after CE 2000? One possible reason is that the hundreds of studies on authenticity in tourism and subcultures have also been read and in many cases sponsored by business thinkers who directly influ... See more
subpixel space • After Authenticity
Auth is a state of mind where you cannot be influenced. U can only vibe and approach the world with an auth state of mind. No brands represent u. Music is not cultural currency.
aestheticizing authenticity would allow the popular, the generic, and the standardized to become authentic.
You already know what the language of authenticity sounds like: “a... See more
aestheticizing authenticity would allow the popular, the generic, and the standardized to become authentic.
You already know what the language of authenticity sounds like: “a... See more
subpixel space • After Authenticity
Product Lost by @hipcityreg | Reggie James | Substack
hipcityreg.substack.comWe reject the shallow conformity of the engineering mindset, the stifling constraints of form following function, the illusion of minimalism, and the monotony of linearity.
In their place, we rediscover artistic principles rooted in tangibility, natural forms, the unicity of objects, and the texture and materiality of the physical world.
We impose ae... See more
In their place, we rediscover artistic principles rooted in tangibility, natural forms, the unicity of objects, and the texture and materiality of the physical world.
We impose ae... See more