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Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
When you try to be everything, you wind up being nothing
Al Ries • Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
The mind, as a defense against the volume of today’s communications, screens and rejects much of the information offered it. In general, the mind accepts only that which matches prior knowledge or experience
Al Ries • Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
The basic approach of positioning is not to create something new and different, but to manipulate what's already up there in the mind, to retie the connections that already exist.
Al Ries • Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
The most difficult part of positioning is selecting that one specific concept to hang your hat on. Yet you must, if you want to cut through the prospect's wall of indifference.
Al Ries • Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
ompanies are focused on building products rather than brands. A product is something made in a factory. A brand is something made in the mind. To be successful today, you have to build brands, not products. And you build brands by using positioning strategies, starting with a good name.