Pick One Thing - Michael Karnjanaprakorn
updated 5mo ago
updated 5mo ago
In terms of execution heuristics, perhaps the best is Peter Thiel’s “one thing.” Everyone in the company is responsible for one thing. Each person should at all times know what their one thing is, and everyone should know everyone else’s too.
- One big thing
- Less important thing
- Less important thing
Luc Cheung and added
Emilie Kormienko added
If you try to find time for your most valued activities by first dealing with all the other important demands on your time, in the hope that there’ll be some left over at the end, you’ll be disappointed. So if a certain activity really matters to you – a creative project, say, though it could just as easily be nurturing a relationship, or activism
... See moreSupritha S and added
Michael Iversen added