Peers Inc
If we want our economies to experiment, adapt, and evolve, to keep pace with technology, innovation, and environmental pressures, we need to reduce the stickiness of the labor force to the benefit of both the Peers and the Inc.
Robin Chase • Peers Inc
Engage Others’ Minds by Publishing Problems, Not the Solutions
Robin Chase • Peers Inc
The first two, which create a right-sized asset and give access to it, are predictive.
Robin Chase • Peers Inc
In education, open data could enable approximately $890 billion to $1.2 trillion in value annually, with the largest potential benefit resulting from “identifying the most effective strategies and tools for teaching specific skills and knowledge” (think back to Peers Inc Miracle #2, tapping into exponential learning).
Robin Chase • Peers Inc
The biggest engine for innovation inside an organization, Doney believes, is the “mission edge”: those closest to the institution’s customers.
Robin Chase • Peers Inc
Cleverly, Bitcoin paid people who took the most risk—who participated in the beginning—more Bitcoins for mining than to people who did this same task later.
Robin Chase • Peers Inc
Companies used to build their businesses by monetizing stocks—hard fixed assets like factories and heavy equipment. Hagel and Brown show that knowledge stocks—trade secrets, patents, licenses, copyrights, know-how—are depreciating at an accelerated rate because new knowledge in the world at large is increasing at such a rapid rate.
Robin Chase • Peers Inc
THIS BOOK is a dare. It is a challenge not only to entrepreneurs but also to all those who want to change the game by creating platforms that share power and value with the people who give them life. It is an ode to the individual, who when she gets access to the resources she needs to create something becomes an innovative, irreplaceable producer.
... See moreRobin Chase • Peers Inc
It’s hard not to overbuild your starting platform.
Robin Chase • Peers Inc
The Achilles’ heel of FOSS and other community-built platforms is that the nub of the shared platform—the core, the kernel, the organizing principle—requires the focused, dedicated, full-time commitment of someone in order to get created. I think of this as the “volunteer coordinator problem.”