A less cynical way to think about the postmodern tech revolution is that it hasn’t completely subsumed the real, brilliant, chaotic world, but merely emphasized it as vital and precious. Artificial intelligence, in my view, continues this tradition. The only singularity it can truly achieve is one that understands humanity at its most inhuman (and ... See more
so it’s from this combination — an ancient truth, a new technology, and a purple orb — that our new way of organizing emerges; a truly multiplayer mode of organizing that makes it possible to aim for something as ambitious as ‘accelerating emerging futures.’
When I say multiplayer... RADAR consists of 250+ contributors, all of whom choose to be here... See more
As the internet evolves, especially for us “very online people,” there’s a deepening sense that we are, together, becoming something beyond the scope of our original intentions. We are rapidly approaching a sum far greater and more mysterious than what we often perceive as its cold, mechanistic parts.
While we conventionally think of ourselves as “u... See more
focus less on AI as something separate from humans, and more on tools that enhance human cognition rather than replacing it… If we want a future that is both superintelligent and "human", one where human beings are not just pets, but actually retain meaningful agency over the world, then it feels like something like this is the most natural option.