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Organization Legos: The State of DAO Tooling
These tools were integral in quickly overcoming many complex obstacles facing the DAO: 1) evaluating and deciding on a treasury protocol (Juicebox), 2) securing funds in a multisig (Gnosis Safe), 3) forming a legal entity with proper tax and regulation considerations that would pass Sotheby’s KYC process (Syndicate DAO), 4) partnering with a fiscal... See more
Caitlin Pintavorn • how to build a dao in 10 days
Abstract The DAO community is maturing. From social movements to financial exchanges, legal documents to science applications, DAOs are involved in all of these endeavors and many more.This article analyzes two important components of the DAO space: DAO launchers and DAO tools.DAO launchers enable blockchain-native organizations to govern over agre... See more
The DAOist • DAO Tool Observatory
We’re still early when it comes to DAO infrastructure. DAOs have many of the same needs as corporations, but must often deal with greater complexities given their scale, fluidity, and technical stack. That necessitated the emergence of tooling for formation, communication, collaboration, payments, and more. DAOs have a handful of providers to selec... See more • DAOs: Absorbing the Internet
tl;dr November 2021: What tools can a DAO use? Analyses & infographics unpack the capabilities of Ethereum-based DAOs as provided by DAO Launchers and Tools.
The DAOist • DAO Tool Observatory
The decentralized automated organization (DAO) structure and the technologies underpinning them -- transparent ledgers, smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, automated governance and certifiable digital ownership -- were created specifically and solely to align incentives. And now that they have been in the market for several years, we are starting to... See more