added by sari · updated 2y ago
Organization Legos: The State of DAO Tooling
- These tools were integral in quickly overcoming many complex obstacles facing the DAO: 1) evaluating and deciding on a treasury protocol (Juicebox), 2) securing funds in a multisig (Gnosis Safe), 3) forming a legal entity with proper tax and regulation considerations that would pass Sotheby’s KYC process (Syndicate DAO), 4) partnering with a fiscal... See more
from how to build a dao in 10 days by Caitlin Pintavorn
sari added
- Abstract The DAO community is maturing. From social movements to financial exchanges, legal documents to science applications, DAOs are involved in all of these endeavors and many more.This article analyzes two important components of the DAO space: DAO launchers and DAO tools.DAO launchers enable blockchain-native organizations to govern over agre... See more
from DAO Tool Observatory by The DAOist
Mo Shafieeha added
sari and added