• The Creative Act: A Way of Being

    by Rick Rubin

    43 highlights

    Cover of The Creative Act: A Way of Being

    Jonathan Simcoe and added

  • from On navigating the tension between physical and digital realms by The Creative Independent

    Lillian Sheng added

  • from The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin

    Patrick Prothe and added

  • The Creative Act

    by Rick Rubin

    Cover of The Creative Act
  • from Maggie Rogers Thinks Joy Can Be a Form of Rebellion by Mélissa Godin

    Natalie Audelo and added

  • from Advice to Young People, the Lies I Tell Myself¶ by Jason Liu

    Alara added

  • Everything I Know

    by Paul Jarvis

    Cover of Everything I Know
  • alex added