• The default state for people on vacation is not necessarily happiness. Anticipating travel is actually more happiness-inducing than the vacation itself. I think this is escapism, where the idea of what you want to achieve by traveling is more exciting that the actual result.

from On Dromomania by sophiefuji.com

Pritesh added 4mo ago

  • from On Dromomania by sophiefuji.com

    Pritesh added 4mo ago

  • Moving is the most passive thing that feels active.

  • from On Dromomania by sophiefuji.com

    Pritesh added 4mo ago

  • Reporting back on your travels to anyone frequently will make you do different things and more than you would otherwise.

  • from On Dromomania by sophiefuji.com

    Pritesh added 4mo ago

  • from On Dromomania by sophiefuji.com

    Margaret Leigh added 3mo ago

  • from On Dromomania by sophiefuji.com

    Margaret Leigh added 3mo ago