On Dialogue

Dialogue is the collective way of opening up judgments and assumptions.
David Bohm • On Dialogue
Bohm suggests that while literal thought has been predominant since the inception of civilization, a more archaic form of perception, formed over the whole of human evolution, remains latent – and at times active – in the structure of our consciousness. This he refers to as “participatory thought,” a mode of thought in which discrete boundaries are
... See moreDavid Bohm • On Dialogue
It is important to see that the different opinions that you have are the result of past thought: all your experiences, what other people have said, and what not. That is all programmed into your memory. You may then identify with those opinions and react to defend them. But it doesn’t make sense to do this. If the opinion is right, it doesn’t need
... See moreDavid Bohm • On Dialogue
two further aspects of dialogue – the notion of shared meaning within a group, and the absence of a preestablished purpose or agenda.
David Bohm • On Dialogue
This definition provides a foundation, a reference point if you will, for the key components of dialogue: shared meaning; the nature of collective thought; the pervasiveness of fragmentation; the function of awareness; the microcultural context; undirected inquiry; impersonal fellowship; and the paradox of the observer and the observed.
David Bohm • On Dialogue
In a dialogue, everybody wins.
David Bohm • On Dialogue
The picture or image that this derivation suggests is of a stream of meaning flowing among and through us and between us. This will make possible a flow of meaning in the whole group, out of which may emerge some new understanding.
David Bohm • On Dialogue
In fact, the problems we have been discussing are basically all due to this lack of proprioception. The point of suspension is to help make proprioception possible, to create a mirror so that you can see the results of your thought.
David Bohm • On Dialogue
Normally we don’t see that our assumptions are affecting the nature of our