Ohad Naharin - The Talks

Frank Chimero The Shape of Design by Frank Chimero

Sixian added

Catherine Schaeffer Moving Consciously: Somatic Transformations through Dance, Yoga, and Touch

Lael Johnson and added

Jess Grippo DANCE WITH THIS BOOK: Start a Revolution with Your Body, Alone in Your Room.

Liz Koch Core Awareness, Revised Edition: Enhancing Yoga, Pilates, Exercise, and Dance

Joanne Avison Yoga: Fascia, Anatomy and Movement: Fascia, Form and Functional Movement

Daft Punk’s Thomas Bangalter Reveals Himself: As a Composer

Ana C. G. Marques antes de qualquer coisa, faça absolutamente nada - O Futuro das Coisas

Geoff Mulgan Another World Is Possible: How to Reignite Social and Political Imagination