This statement is true because the only way to be original is to be yourself. Everyone is different and one of a kind; once you honor yourself and your inner child nothing could change or stop you. Also, I find that once you start tapping into yourself life starts unfolding and it will agree with you.
are.naThis statement is true because the only way to be original is to be yourself. Everyone is different and one of a kind; once you honor yourself and your inner child nothing could change or stop you. Also, I find that once you start tapping into yourself life starts unfolding and it will agree with you.
Everyone is searching for originality. Ironically, it is right there within them, but most people are too busy being someone else. Creative people are prepared to be themselves. They make the most of their own experiences, whether good or bad. The advantage of being themselves is that they are original. There is no one like them. This makes whateve
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