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No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
When I use your app, I don't want to see your company's KPI. I want to see your point of view. The world should know that you made it. People should feel your passion vibrating off the screen
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
If you're small, you're in a position where it's to your advantage to be weird—you can have a point of view that the big tech companies never could. In the world of chairs—you're not going to build a cheaper chair than Ikea. Why not build something they couldn't—like a more interesting one
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
Product design has become overly formulaic and the apps we make entirely uninspired. Is this the end game?
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
You'd be surprised how quickly designing a simple bench will lead you into existential questions about the nature of "sitting.
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
I want us to collectively raise the bar for what we expect from our digital experiences. Life isn't just a series of problems to be solved but moments to be lived. As we find ourselves spending more and more of our time in the digital world—especially now—we should expect that world to inspire, surprise, and dare I say, even challenge us. We are lu... See more
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
The world of apps—once an exciting canvas for creative exploration—has become repetitive, predictable, and... boring
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
If you're small, you're in a position where it's to your advantage to be weird—you can have a point of view that the big tech companies never could. In the world of chairs—you're not going to build a cheaper chair than Ikea. Why not build something they couldn't—like a more interesting one?
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
I want us to collectively raise the bar for what we expect from our digital experiences. Life isn't just a series of problems to be solved but moments to be lived. As we find ourselves spending more and more of our time in the digital world—especially now—we should expect that world to inspire, surprise, and dare I say, even challenge us. We are lu... See more
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
Apps have become an intimate part of our everyday lives. We wake up with them, eat with them, pee with them, and go to bed with them. Software has eaten the world, and many seem ready to hail this as the golden age of Design
(Not Boring) Software Inc. • No More Boring Apps | (Not Boring) Software
Pee with them
The world of apps today is entirely domestic beers. Every app is designed to appeal to everyone. Which is another way of saying they're designed so as to not offend anyone